Breaking News

Friday 1 April 2016

Are you anxious?                                      Feeling of crying?
Restlessness?                                           Sadness?     
Alone?                                                       Worry?
Meaninglessness?                                    Purposeless?
Empty?                                                      Lack of Appetite? 
Feeling Corner?                                         Sleep Problem? 
Painful Memories?                                     Lonely Parent? 
Family Conflicts?                                        Painful Childhood? 
Workplace Problem?                                  Marital Problem? 
Lack of Control?                                          Relationship Conflict? 
Fear of Unknown?                                      Concern about your Children? 
Unwanted Thoughts?                                   Stuck with Thoughts?
Headache?                                                  Heaviness in Your Body?
Helplessness?                                             Nightmares? 
In Crisis?                                                      Stuck in Your Past? 
Confuse About Your Destination?                 Anxious to Meet New People? 
Anxious Go to New Places?                         Confuse About Your Education        What to do?
Confuse About Your Career?                        Anxious About Class Room          Presentation? 
Need for Self-Approval?                               Difficult to Choose What is Right or Wrong for You? 
Finding Yourself in Circle?                             Difficulty to Concentrate on           Things? 
Not Getting a Right Path?                             Need for Reassurance From         Others? 
Not Getting a Right Path?                             Negative Thoughts About Self,       Other and World? 
Difficulty to Make Decision?                          Living with Physical illness? 
Feeling of Control by Others?                        Questions about Self-Identity? 
Feeling Judge by Others?                              Questions about Existence? 
Questions about world?                                  Hopelessness about Future?
Want to get Rid of these Problems?                Wants Smoking Cessations andget Rid from Drugs?
If You want to Understand why do You Experience these Problems? 
Any Fears such as Travelling, Injections, Animals, Pain, Blood etc? 
Then you are in right place. ‘Connect with Mind’ help you to understand your dilemmas, as well as explore the things and help you to get out from this suffering. Are you Breadwinner in your family? Just take respite and think about yourself? Is it really you want? Counselling can help you to live your life, alongside to fulfil your family responsibility. Do you need Counselling? Not sure? Then think about such as are you satisfied with your life? Are you living your life in your own way? Is there any guilt? Regret? Restlessness? Is it what you are doing you want to do? Are you escaping from reality? Any secrets that you want to share but could not do with your family, friends etc? Any burden that wants to get rid? Then contact to me.

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