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Thursday 5 February 2015

Things to Keep in Mind before buying a Domain Name for your Brand

The domain name you choose plays an important role in your brand activation efforts especially when you put heavy reliance on the internet. It is, therefore, essential for you to select a domain name very carefully before purchasing it. It will do you no good to buy a domain name and then regret your decision later on just because the name does not fit your company, product and webpage. Consider the following factors to avoid making mistakes with the domain name for your brand.
Things to Keep in Mind before buying a Domain Name for your Brand
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Things to keep in mind before buying a domain for your brand:

1. Ensure to keep your domain name simple
The best thing to do is to avoid any sorts of complications, homophones, clever wording, numbers, double letters or words that are long or even hard to spell. You should know that people have other important things in life to remember leave alone cramming your difficult domain name. A straightforward domain name is an excellent choice because it becomes easy to remember and, therefore, increase brand recognition. Try to utilize common words and avoid obscure acronyms by all means. If possible, your company name is the perfect choice of domain name.
2. Shorter is more appropriate
The standard rule, as far as the length is concerned, is 67 characters. This is obviously one of those areas where shorter is considered a more appropriate characteristic. There are many benefits why shorter domains names are mostly recommended but ease of remembering and minimal chances of making spelling errors take predominance. Generally, a shorter domain name translates to more and more people being not all able to remember, but also learn about your brand.
3. Stay away of hyphenated domains
Do not buy a hyphenated domain name for a number of reasons. For starters, most of the domain names do not have hyphens and, therefore, a majority of people never remember to type them when searching for a product or business. Use of hyphens in your domain name will only translate to so many errors and misspellings which can cost you many customers. A customer, who forgets to type a hyphen when searching your brand, will most likely be led to your competitors straightway.
4. Your domain name should be memorable as well as brand-able
Generally, your domain will continuously increase in value as it attracts more and more people; as more people find your product or business information online. Therefore, the weight played by your domain in the marketing of your business or organization is extremely critical. When choosing a domain name, find out if it is appealing or fun, not just to you but also from other people such as your friends, family members and so on. Test if your domain name is easy to remember by mentioning it to a few people and asking them like a week later if they can still remember it.
5. Use the name of your company or product
If it is possible, the most logic way to handle this is registering your company or product name as your URL. It is much easier when people use your product or business name to search your website.

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